Step-by-step instructions on how to use the ROI tool.
Below you can find a video walkthrough of using the ROI tools and step-by-step instructions.
See Region of Interest Documentation to understand the ROI tool's benefits.
Video tutorial overview
1: Initiating the workflow
- Select the data object you would like to author an ROI for (Reconstructions or other ROIs are valid inputs)
- In the author toolbar, select the ROI tool
2: Start Cropping & Aligning
- After initiating the workflow, a new in-progress data object will be created. If you click into other tools, this will stay in the data tab so you can return to your work.
- The viewer will default to X/Y slice views. You can cycle through these with the selector.
- There are handles for rotation and cropping in the field of view.
3: Toggling Elements & Submission
- Through the process, it is helpful to turn on or off various visual elements. For example, turn off the rotation handles after nailing rotations to focus on cropping.
- Once you are happy with the alignment & crop, submit the workflow.
4: Renaming
- ROIs will nest under their reconstruction. By right-clicking on them, you can rename them for better labeling.