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How to Export a Mesh

Use the Surface tool to extract a surface and prepare a mesh .stl file for download.

The Surface tool in the Author toolbar allows users to establish a surface boundary of their parts. In the below video, we will show you how to use the tool in the following steps.

  1. With the Reconstruction data object selected, click the surface button.
    1. If this button is not enabled, check that you have the Reconstruction selected in the Data panel and have manager access (not viewer) to the data.
  2. Define the object surface threshold in the Attributes panel. Lower values will be more inclusive, and higher values will omit lower-density areas of the scan.
  3. Use the Export Mesh button to add a mesh object to the Data panel.
    1. This may take a few minutes to process and require reloading the browser.
  4. Download the STL from the Mesh data object once it is available.