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The Manager Dashboard

How to use workspaces and grant access to your data as a manager of your organization.

Note: Managers have special capabilities within Voyager. If you are not a manager, you will not be able to access the manager dashboard and perform these functions. If you wish to have access to these capabilities, ask your manager to grant you manager capabilities or contact support to learn who your current organization manager is.


Managers have access to the manager dashboard. This is distinct from the primary Voyager Dashboard, which all users have access to. This dashboard allows you the following capabilities:

  1. View all of the users who have access to your organization's workspaces.
  2. View all of your organization's workspaces.
  3. Create and delete workspaces from your organization.
  4. Grant and revoke user access to each workspace.
  5. Specify the role that each user has in each workspace.
  6. Invite new users to a specific workspace with an email notification.
  7. Grant manager dashboard access to other members of your team.
  8. Enable or disable organization wide abilities.

Use these capabilities in concert to create and manage groups of users and projects that align to your team's data access needs. 

How to access the manager dashboard

If you're a manager, the dashboard is available by clicking on your name in the top right hand corner of Voyager and selecting "Manage Organization".


You can also directly access the manager dashboard at



Page Overview

The manager dashboard is a single page with four primary sections.

  1. The Summary at the top shows you the name of your organization and an expanding set of details and functions.
  2. The Settings area shows you organization wide functions that can be enabled or disabled.
  3. The Members area allows you to see each member of your workspaces and exactly which role they have in each workspace they have access to. You can also invite members from the top of this section with the Add Member button.
  4. The Workspaces area allows you to see each workspace owned by your Organization, how many projects are in each, how many members have access, and allows the ability to remove and rename each workspace.


Creating and removing workspaces

Workspaces are the primary unit of project organization within Voyager. The workspace that a project is in determines who has provisioned access to that project.


Note: if "Enable Link Sharing" is enabled in the Settings area, each project can also have "Anyone with the Link" sharing turned on, which will override the workspace access controls. If you are concerned about privacy, do not enable link sharing for your organization in the settings area.


To create a workspace:

  1. Navigate to the workspaces area.
  2. Click "Add Workspace".
  3. Name your workspace.

Now your new workspace can have users added to it. Navigate to the user area and assign users access to your new workspace to begin using it.


To remove a workspace:

  1. Navigate to the workspaces area.
  2. Click "Remove" in the workspace row that you wish to remove.
  3. If there are projects in the workspace, choose a destination workspace to migrate those projects to.
  4. Click confirm. Your workspace is now deleted and your projects will migrate shortly.


Granting user access to workspaces with a specific role

Users only have access to projects in two ways:

  1. If "Anyone with the Link" sharing is enabled, access to that project is universal at the link OR
  2. Explicit access granted by an organization manager to the workspace a project is contained within. 

These instructions will allow you, as a manager, to follow path 2, and choose exactly which users have which permissions to see each project in each of your organizations. 

  1. If a user does not have access to any workspaces in your organization, they are not a member of your organization yet. If this is the case, please add them via the Inviting new users to your organization instructions as written below.
  2. If a user does have access, find them within the member table.
    1. Directly to the right of their name, you will see a list of which workspaces the users belongs to, and directly to the right of each workspace, you will see the role that the user has in that workspace.
    2. Add access to another of your organization's workspaces by using the "Add Workspace +" button inline below the existing workspaces each user has access to.
    3. Change the role from viewer to editor if you wish the user to edit in that workspace.


Inviting new users to your organization

If a user does not have explicitly granted access to any workspace in your organization, they are not yet a "Member" of your organization. In order to add them:

  1. Navigate to the Members area of the manager dashboard.
  2. Click "Add Member"
  3. Enter the users email and choose the workspace which you'd like to grant the user access to.
  4. Choose a role.
  5. Select "Add Member"
  6. If the user does not yet have a Voyager account, they will be prompted to create one. If they do have an account, they will immediately be granted access to that workspace with that role. 


Assigning managers

Manager capabilities are orthogonal to workspace access. Any user who has access to any of your organization's workspaces can be granted manager capabilities by selecting the Manager checkbox in their member role in the member table.

Note that all managers have full access to the manager dashboard including the ability to create workspaces, invite users and provision access to workspaces, so please add managers with care. 


Adjust organization-wide settings

Organization-wide settings will continue to grow as Voyager grows. Currently, the only global setting is the ability to "Enable link sharing". 

Enable Link Sharing

  • Will enable the ability for Editors of each project to enable "Anyone with the Link" sharing on that project. 
  • If disabled, no projects can have "Anyone with the Link" sharing enabled across your entire organization.


The manager dashboard supports a growing number of organization management capabilities. We welcome feedback and suggestions via the feedback form located in the app at any time.