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  2. Voyager Documentation

Beam Hardening Correction

Use BHC to correct for beam hardening artifacts and reduce streaking artifacts in the Voyager software.

How to run BHC

1. CSelect Beam Hardening Correctionlick on the Correct button in the toolbar to open the correction workflow. Ensure the Beam Hardening Correction option is toggled on and click next.

outlined2. Adjust the slider so that the line intersects the part in an area of interest (i.e. a darker, more dense region where there is likely to be beam hardening artifacts). Click next and wait for correction images to be generated.





3. Once the correction preview images are available, load them and select the BHC setting that makes a single material as consistent a brightness as possible. Click Run Reconstruction and wait for it to generate (this new reconstruction will show up in the list of other reconstructions in the data tab).

In this animation, you can see that the battery has even grey values across the width of the battery on the second correction factor value.