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  2. Voyager Documentation

Mesh Smoothing

Mesh smoothing can remove unwanted noise without having a big impact on accuracy.

Creating a mesh from volumetric data involves segmenting the volumetric data into two or more groups to define which parts of the volume correspond to discrete materials. Voyager currently supports a binary segmentation.

When the segmentation is performed, artifacts or noise in the scan can make the boundary between the values slightly inaccurate. This often appears as high frequency, low amplitude noise on the surface of the resulting mesh. 

Mesh smoothing can resolve this high-frequency surface noise and result in a mesh that is more accurate to the real object. It is worth noting that mesh smoothing can reduce accuracy in some specific areas, such as creases or corners. On balance, however, mesh smoothing offers the opportunity to smooth the surface of your mesh and can be used judiciously to get better meshing results. 

How to use Mesh Smoothing

  1. Define the threshold of the volume that reflects the surface of the mesh that you wish to produce, or choose ISO-50 to request that Voyager attempt to define an ISO-50 value automatically.
  2. Adjust the mesh smoothing threshold to a reasonable value, a good place to start is .5 or 1. 
  3. Press Create Mesh. 


We recommend that you request a couple different mesh with the same threshold but different smoothing values while you are evaluating mesh smoothing for your application. 

Resulting Meshes

The resulting meshes should have noticeably different surface characteristics when you manipulate them in the Voyager viewport.
