Use the revolving slice tool to inspect cylindrical or spherical objects.
Revolving slice planes allows you to set up a plane on the X, Y or Z axis that rotates 360 degrees through the part. The following 20-second clip walks through how to set up a revolving slice plane.
Step by Step:
- First, select the volume in the data panel that you want to rotate through.
- Then select the Revolve tool. Next, select the plane (X, Y, or Z) from which you want to define your diameter.
- Once you have chosen that plane, click the Trace Diameter Button.
- Use a 3-point circle to define the diameter that you want to rotate through. If you are happy with the diameter, you can hit Submit. If you need to redefine the diameter, you can hit Redraw.
- You can rotate through your part once you've defined the Revolving Slice Plane. Click on the Revolving Slice Plane in the data panel and then use the Slice Angle slider to rotate through the part.