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  2. Neptune Documentation

Running Your First Scan

A step-by-step guide to running your first scan with the Lumafield Neptune

Fixture your part


Place the object into your fixture material of choice.
Fixturing goals are:

    • Separate the part from the turntable.
    • Fixture with lower-density materials.
    • Hold the part rigid while it rotates.
Attach the fixture to a turntable.
    • Center the part about the central axis of the turntable.
    • See Part Fixturing for further details.

Load your part

  • Place the turntable into the collet inside of the Neptune.
  • Secure the turntable to the collet with the thumbscrew.
  • Ensure there is no unwanted motion by lightly wiggling the turntable.

Position your part 

  • With the door open, you can activate the motion stage to position your part roughly.
  • Check the following
    • Part height puts your desired field of view (FOV) roughly centered on the X-ray aperture.
    • Part rotation appears to keep the desired FOV centered from all angles.
    • Part distance roughly gets the part to the right FOV, and avoids collisions.

Ready for X-rays On

  • Close the cabinet door.
  • Once the door latches, the X-ray On/Off should turn green.
    • This button is located in the top left of the screen.
    • If not green, please take a look at the Neptune Startup instructions to troubleshoot.
    • Press this button to power on the X-ray system.

Fine-tune positioning & confirm w/ vase

Vase Complete

  • With the X-rays on, fine-tune the position.
    • More magnification = more resolution.
  • Use the verify angles function to simulate a full revolution of CT data capture.
    • If the item leaves the FOV, you will not receive 3D data of that area.
    • Watch for unwanted motion or soft collisions.



  • Name your part.
  • Position your part (see prior steps).
  • Choose material composition.
    • Mono-material if you know your items to be of a single/similar material.
    • Multi-material for assemblies of dissimilar materials (plastic+metal, electronics.)
  • Set your desired scan time.
  • Press Optimize and Start Scan!