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The Voyager Dashboard

How to manage and navigate your data.


Your data is organized into projects, and these projects are accessible through the Voyager Dashboard. A number of features have been introduced to help manage and navigate your data on the Lumafield platform.


Projects are now grouped into Workspaces. Workspaces allow managers to provision user access to a group of projects. By default, all projects are placed within a single workspace, and all members of your organization belong to this single workspace. 

Put simply, a workspace is just a set of projects and a set of users with access to those projects.



Users can belong to any number of workspaces. In each workspace that they belong to, users play one of two roles:

  • Editors are able to edit projects.
    • Dashboard functions such as Add Tag, Remove Tag, Copy, Move, Rename, Duplicate and Delete are all functions that editors can perform.
    • Project functions like analysis and authoring are available to editors.
      • The specific functionality available to editors is dependent upon which, if any, modules are a part of your Organization's plan.
  • Viewers are able to view projects.
    • Viewers cannot perform any of the above actions, but can view projects and inspect data with temporary measurement tools.

Tags: Voyager now supports the ability to tag projects with any number of tags, allowing you to organize and navigate projects quickly and easily. What were previously called Folders have been migrated to Tags.

Users with editor permissions within a workspace are able to create and assign tags. Since projects can have multiple tags, it's possible to matrix your projects between multiple overlapping categories.

Create a tag by right clicking on the Workspace that you wish to create the tag within and select New Tag. This tag will be added to that workspace and available in the context menu moving forward. 


Navigation: The dashboard has an updated outliner on the left hand side. Choose a Workspace or tag to return a paginated list of projects that fit that query. Results are sortable in the results view by both date created as well as alphabetical.


Search: Use the search bar to search by name for any project to which you have access. This should radically improve speed and ease while navigating your projects.

Note: The selection that you have made in the outliner on the left hand side of the dashboard constrains the search. For example, if you have a single workspace selected on the left, the search results will be constrained to that workspace.


Copy and move projects: Projects can be copied and moved between any two workspaces for which a user has editor level permissions. This supports workflows where one team can process and analyze a scan before sharing it with another team, along with many other sharing and process management workflows.


Sharing: Sharing has been moved from within each project to the Dashboard, and takes place at the level of a workspace. As mentioned above, each workspace is a set of projects and a set of users with roles. 

Video Tutorial

Watch the below video tutorial for a demonstration of how to use the Voyager Dashboard.


Manager Capabilities

Managers can perform specific functions within the Voyager platform including creating workspaces and provisioning access to each workspace. See the The Manager Dashboard support article to learn about what is possible as a manager.